The Norwich Passion Play 2022

Norwich churches, Saltmine Theatre Company and charity Celebrate Norfolk are joining together to stage a free professional Passion Play which tells the history changing story of the last few days of Jesus’ life.  It will start at Hay Hill and process up to Millennium Plain in front of the Forum with the audience following the actors. It will then move to outside St Peter Mancroft church and the final scene will be inside the church.  Taking part in the immersive 80-minute performance will be a dozen professional actors from Dudley-based Saltmine Theatre Company as well as 40 or so community cast actors, choir and band members from a num­ber of different Norwich churches.  We would love you to come along and to bring family and friends with you. It is a great opportunity to see the Gospel presented in an engaging and dramatic way. There is no need to book.  

Revelation 3:20

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

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St Stephens, Rampant Horse Street, Norwich, NR2 1QP


Office Telephone: 01603 617697

Charity Number: 1147706

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