St Stephen’s is very happy to support the following people and causes financially and through prayer on a regular basis. We also support other causes that are close to the heart of our congregation.
Hope into Action
Hope into Action is a nationwide charity which works to change the lives of the most disadvantaged in our society. The work is undertaken in partnership with local churches. Currently in Norwich, Hope into Action provides nineteen homes for those who would otherwise be homeless. St Stephen’s is in partnership with Hope into Action on one of these houses. St Stephen’s role is to prepare the house for residents and then provide support for residents through mentoring and prayer.
Amrita, grand-daughter of the group-leader within the Vidyal Trust Leprosy Colony, holding gifts from St Stephen’s.
The Vidiyal Trust
The Vidiyal Trust has been working in southern India for the best part of three decades. The trust works to develop projects to serve local needs. Among these projects are: a home for street and slum elders; a lunch centre for slum elders; a leprosy colony; a tuition centre and also provide funding for vehicles to take palliative care to rural areas and provide children suffering with cancer with access to medical help.
The Vidiyal Trust is in the early stages of a new farm project through which they intend to become self-sufficient. This is essential for the trust’s long term future. The farm will also give the opportunity for young people to learn skills in animal and plant care.
The trust’s founder, Pat Atkinson, has written of the history and work of the Vidiyal Trust in her book Touched by Untouchables.